005 | 5 Key Strategies To Earn More Income This Holiday Season



Make More Money (+ Stress Less) This Christmas/New Year Holiday Period


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I don’t know about you, but for many years as a personal trainer, I always had this belief that it was really hard to make money in December.  I’d always get to the end of the year and experience a sense of dread as I tried to figure out how I was going to make enough money to pay for all the December expenses and get through the New Years period.

I used to train at a CBD club in Sydney, and the majority of my clients, like most people in this area, where white collar professionals who went on long breaks in January.  My business didn’t really get back into the swing of things until after Australia Day (Jan 26th).

While I LOVED the long break, it was also a big source of stress for me.

And, I know that I am not alone in this.

That’s why in todays episode I’m going to share with you the top 5 KEY strategies you can implement today to bring in more money and reduce your stress!

I’m also going to share with you some of my favourite ideas for Client Care Christmas gifts, regardless of your budget, that will help you close out the year with a bang.



[00:05:54] What to do if you have that ‘it’s hard to make money in December’ belief

[00:06:52] Strategy #1

[00:09:45] Strategy #2

[00:11:20]  Strategy #3

[00:14:51]  Strategy #4

[00:17:39] Strategy #5

[00:24:48] Client Care Christmas gift Ideas



Get over 50 client gift ideas to suit a range of budgets by simply clicking the image below:


Click Here To Get

Resources Mentioned:

The Print Bar (https://www.theprintbar.com)


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