009 | How To Protect Your Fit Biz In The Coming Months with Jen Dugard


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Jen Dugard and myself hosted this free training on ‘How To Protect Your Fitness Business In the Coming Months’ for all fitness professionals concerned about how Coronavirus is going to impact their business.

This was recorded Friday 20 March 2020 and as of Sunday 22 March the Australian government declared all non-essential gathering sites to be closed. Unfortunately this includes gyms.

All of the information in this training is still relevant, in fact it’s even more relevant given personal trainers are now forced to pivot quick!

We cover off on 6 major focal points:

  1. Communication musts
  2. Common Mindset mistakes (and how to re-frame these)
  3. Stabilise your business BEFORE you rush to do anything else
  4. Future proof your business
  5. Planning for what if’s
  6. Additional resources

You can listen to the training above, iTunes or Spotify OR if you prefer to watch the call hit the play button below:



Read these:

How to manage your fitness business through the Corona virus pandemic

Update on Coronavirus measures by Australian Government (23 March 2020)

Financial aid packages made simple by Two Sides Accounting (Jens accountant)

Product Design Matrix download (this is a snippet of the Product Design workbook from my Tribe Business Amplifier Mastermind)

Financial Projection Spreadsheet (this is part of Jen’s affiliate group curriculum – please download for your use)

Watch This:

Jen’s Masterclass:  How to Evolve and Survive During COVID-19

I’ll be adding to this resource list over the coming days, and certainly when Part 2 drops later this week.

If you have any questions that you’d like Jen and I to cover please DM us on our Instagram accounts (@jendugard @nardianorman).

Keep your heads up, avoid panicking and take some time to work out your plan of attack.  Remember we are all in this together!

Nards x


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