This past weekend saw the wonderful ladies of my TRIBE mastermind come together. These savvy PT Leaders descended on Bondi Junction, Sydney, for a weekend of intense learning, business strategy and of course fun, connection, laughter, tears and wine (and not necessarily in that order!).
The definition of Immersion is “deep mental involvement in something”. When you lock yourself in a room, or remove yourself from the day to day to purely focus on the tasks at hand, great things happen.
You can learn more in 2 days of immersion than you can in an entire 6 months.
Couple that with the support and camaraderie of business crushing soul sisters who *get it*, who get you, then a powerful space is created.
Masterminds are all the rage at the moment, and for good reason. If you join a MM that is right for you, and you are willing to do the work, then you get to fast track your success.
A solid MM leader will provide you with specific feedback, will guide you to make savvy business choices, offer a different perspective and bring out your potential.
It’s like having a PT for your body. Except that it’s PT for your business or personal development.
Over the course of our weekend together I taught on specific business topics – I covered:
All of these things are practical skills that the majority of Personal Trainers are never taught. Unless you have a business background, understanding the ‘techie’ elements of the business (such as FB ads, websites, funnels) and the marketing side can be overwhelming!
This is why it is a critical component of my TRIBE curriculum program.
It is such a privilege and honour for me to be able to create, facilitate and hold the space for these remarkable women to do their learning.
The sistahood in this group is strong – all amazing Personal Trainers and business owners in their own right, but together a force.
Over the weekend I witnessed new business ideas and ways of improving the fitness industry being born. Minds blown over seeing the possibilities for their PT business – creation = multiple revenue streams.
High fives as they recognised their value and worth as a Women In Fitness ???????
Hugs of gratitude and support for being around other like minded women who *get it*!
Here’s a quick video from the end of the weekend. I asked the what they found most valuable and what will they commit to for the following week. Note – they were BRAIN FRIED by this point and gunning for a vino!
If you are looking to join a tribe of like minded, badass women who will support you through your fitness journey then please reach out to me. Applications are NOW open for my TRIBE mentorship program.
Send me a private message on Facebook or email me at
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